Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Alice in Ramsey

 These are the banners I worked on with the children from Ramsey Junior School Ramsey Junior Schooland the Spinning Infants School for the Alice in Wonderland production at the Junior School. The play was directed by the the very dedicated teacher Ms J Charot and was a great success - as was the final celebration featuring the Mad hatter himself and some wonderful hats made by a group of women who live in the Red House working with Sandra Scott whose work you can see at  Sandra's blog. The project was funded by Vital Communities Arts Council East, and facilitated by Viv Peters, arts development organiser supreme!

Banners drying in my studio after being heat fixed and sprayed with fire proofing
Each child designed and screenprinted one square.

And the final celebration with the mad hatter and his fabulous circus skills workshop

and a mad hat made by group working with Sandra