Thursday, 10 June 2021

Princess Skirts

Confession: I have a really soft spot for girly, meranguey, tatty, princessy things.  Perhaps it's  because I never wore them when I grew up. I was dressed in little modern A-line dresses made by mother.  They were lovely, cute and stylish but, I guess, we always long for what we didn't have. 

So, over the years, at every possible opportunity, I have done these quick fairy skirts with lots and lots of little girls working with their Mums... and sometimes little boys like to have one too.



These pictures were from an event in Milton Country Park. Honestly, I can't remember what year it was, who sponsored it, or what the event was for, but it was definitely long before lockdown.


Perhaps these 'Frozen' braids can give you some idea of when it was.

There was a lot of creative mayhem going on inside our tent - we had a few different diy costume making options. 

This one was pretty popular and by the end of the day, there was a whole sea of little girls in tutus all over the park.


I know it's a very gender specific and possibly  not a very P.C. activity, but there were a lot of very happy little girls that day!