Wednesday, 12 June 2019

Upcycled Paper Notebooks

As well as making the lovely paper bodice, Move on Up Learners made these beautiful notebooks to sell in the Children's Society Shop.

We used discarded and shredded papers from the office and the art cupboard, soaked them, put them in the blender and scooped them out with a mesh.  Then we used these handmade papers to make these notebook covers and guess what.......?

Well here is a note from the shop manager:

"Just to let you know that we have sold ALL your lovely books to one lady who will be giving them to all her family members as a 'HAG' project - which is .............. that they write down every day the following:

H - Happiness - what they are happy about

A - Achievement - what they have achieved that day

G - Grateful - what they are grateful for

So a lovely end to your project !"

So proud of all our hard working Move on Up class members!

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